Bridge Whist: A Step-by-Step Gameplay Guide

Bridge Whist is an enthralling card game that combines elements of strategy, skill, and teamwork. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll take you through the basics of playing Bridge Whist, ensuring you have all the knowledge needed to start enjoying this classic game. Whether you’re a complete novice or looking to refine your skills, this guide has got you covered.

Understanding the Basics of Bridge Whist

Before diving into gameplay, it’s essential to grasp the basic structure of Bridge Whist. The game is played with a standard 52-card deck and involves four players divided into two teams. The main objective is to win the number of tricks that you and your partner bid before the game round starts.

Deck and Card Hierarchy

In Bridge Whist, the cards rank from highest to lowest as follows: Ace, King, Queen, Jack, 10, and so on down to 2. It’s important to note that Bridge Whist does not include Jokers.

Dealing the Cards

Each player receives 13 cards, dealt clockwise, starting from the dealer’s left. Ensuring a fair deal is crucial for the strategic play that follows.

Step-by-Step Gameplay

Now that we’ve covered the fundamentals, let’s move on to the gameplay itself. Follow these steps to play a round of Bridge Whist.

1. Bidding for Tricks

The game starts with players bidding on the number of tricks they believe they can win. The bidding begins with the player to the left of the dealer and continues clockwise.

2. Determining the Trump Suit

The suit of the final bid becomes the ‘trump’ suit, giving cards of this suit dominance over the others during the game.

3. Playing the Game

The player to the dealer’s left starts the first trick by playing a card face-up. Play continues clockwise. Players must follow the suit led if they can. If unable to follow suit, they may play any card. A trick is won by the highest trump played; if no trumps are played, the highest card of the led suit wins.

4. Scoring

After all 13 tricks have been played, scores are calculated based on the number of tricks won vs. the bids made. Points are awarded for achieving the bid, with penalties for falling short or exceeding it.

Tips for Winning at Bridge Whist

  • Communication with your partner is key; try to develop a strategy together.
  • Pay attention to the cards being played and try to remember them.
  • Use your high cards wisely but also know when to play your lower cards.


Bridge Whist is a game of both luck and strategy, providing countless hours of entertainment and mental challenge. With this guide, you’re now equipped to start your journey into the world of Bridge Whist. Remember, practice makes perfect, so gather your team, shuffle your deck, and start playing today!

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